This is easy to use the scientific calculator. In this calculator have included all the information that is useful in doing scientific mathematics equations. A scientific calculator with an extensive range of functions.
General Operations
For general uses of calculator:
50 60 = 110 (your answer)
60 3 = 20 (ypur answer)
Square Operations
How to do square operation with help of scientific calculator?
select any value for x = your answer
for example: x = 4 = 16 (your answer)
Cube Operations
How to do cube operation with help of scientific calculator?
select any value for x = your answer
for example: x = 3 = 27 (your answer)
Root Operations
How to do root operation with help of scientific calculator?
select any value = your answer
for example: value is 9 = 3 (your answer)
Cube Root Operations
How to do cube root operation with help of scientific calculator?
select any value = your answer
for example: value is 27 = 3 (your answer)
Inverse Value
How to do get inverse value of given value with help of scientific calculator?
select any value for x = your answer
for example: x = 50 = 0.02 (your answer)
Power Of Value
How to get power value of given value with help of scientific calculator?
select any value for X select nay value for Y = your answer
for example: for X = 4 for Y = 3 = 64 (your answer)
Factorial operations
How to do factorial operations with help of scientific calculator?
select any value for X select nay value for Y = your answer
for example: for X = 8 = 40320 (your answer)
Logarithm Operations
How to do logarithm operations with help of scientific calculator?
(any value) = your answer
for example: (67) = 1.8260 (your answer)
log natural is base with e function which directly add base e to log value.
for example: (67) = 4.2047 (your answer with base of e)
How to do euler operations with help of scientific calculator?
step:(note that you can fine by default value of e by appling "e" key
any value = your answer
for example: 4 = 54.5981 (your answer)
How to do permutation function with help of scientific calculator?
step: select any value select any value = your answer
for example: to calculate: 8P3
8 3 = 336 (your answer)
Trigonometry Functions
How to do trigonometry functions with help of scientific calculator?
step 1: select degree or radians for your answer value
step 2: value of angle = your answer
for example: to calculate sin30 in degree
30 = 0.5 (in degree)
for example: to calculate cos30 in degree
30 = 0.8660 (in degree)
for example: (80/100) = 38.6598 (in degree)
Random Function
How to set random number in scientific calculator?
. = 0.5682
Extra Functions
To find floor in given number:
1.5896 = 1 (your answer)
To find ceil in given number:
2.5874 = 3 (your answer)